Lady Gaga Album

 "Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)"
 "The Queen"
 "Poker Face"
 "You And I"
"Marry the Night"

My album concentration was based off of Lady Gaga’s songs. I couldn’t choose just one of her albums to photograph, so I picked a few songs from the Born This Way and The Fame Monster album. When photographing each of the songs, I would base the picture off of a specific lyric or the overall meaning of the song, which led to some of my photos becoming literal and implicit interpretations of the song. I know that Lady Gaga is known for her flamboyant and elaborate fashion, but I am not as animated as her, so I created the photos in a more simple way then what she may have done. For example, in my fourth photo, “Hair”, I chose to just photograph Megan’s hair. This was my literal and simple interpretation of “Hair”, but Lady Gaga might have chosen to photograph her song a bit differently, perhaps more extravagant and personal. I am a huge fan of Lady Gaga and was honored to create my album based off her songs.


  1. I really like all your clarity in the images and how much thought you put into the interpretations of each. The collection of pictures in whimsical but also mysterious. I think you executed them very well
    -xan toney

  2. I love how you have consistency throughout the whole concentration like how each image is vertical and used the same model, Megan. The consistency is good but I would have like to see more differences. I thought it was interesting how you took the literal meaning of the title and represented it in your photos. Great job!

  3. I absolutely love how you interpreted all the songs both implicitly and explicitly. I particularly love the "Marry the Night" picture because It had a lot of depth to it as will as the contrast between the white dress and the background. You did a great job on your concentration.


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